       ___            ___            ___            ___            ___     /\  \          /\  \          /\  \          /\  \          /\  \
    //\\  \        //\\  \        //\\  \        //\\  \        //\\  \
   ///\\\  \      ///\\\  \      ///\\\  \      ///\\\  \      ///\\\  \
  ///  \\\  \    ///  \\\  \    ///  \\\  \    ///  \\\  \    ///  \\\  \
 ///  / \\\  \  ///  / \\\  \  ///  / \\\  \  ///  / \\\  \  ///  / \\\  \
///__/   \\\__\///__/   \\\__\///__/   \\\__\///__/   \\\__\///__/   \\\__\
\\\  \  __\/__/\\\  \ ___\/__/\\\  \    \/__/\\\  \    \/__/\\\  \    \/__/
 \\\  \/\  \    \\\  /\  \     \\\  \         \\\  \         \\\  \
  \\\  \\\ _\    \\\ \\\__\     \\\  \         \\\  \         \\\  \
   \\\///  /      \\\///  /      \\\  \         \\\  \         \\\  \
    \\//  /        \\//  /        \\\__\         \\\__\         \\\__\
     \/__/          \/__/          \/__/          \/__/          \/__/ 
CHRONO TRIGGER        -----------------------------
For the SNES                   Version 3.1


Version History
-Start up codes
-Battle codes
-Action screen codes
-Status screen and title screen codes
-Map screen codes
-Music codes
GGCCC & contact info.

The Game Genie Code Creators Club creates original Game Genie codes for many
 games. In this guide, you will find a collection of our codes for Chrono
 Trigger. We also have many other codes for many other games at our new web 
 site, Stop by and see our collection!
 Inside you will find codes and techniques that will allow you to:

*Save your game anywhere
*Level 99 and all techs/magic after a battle
*Start up modification codes for all characters
*Listen to unreleased music clips
*See Magus vs. Magus
*Walk on the 1999 A.D. map
*Fight any monster, including Bull Frog, Departed, Frog King and others
*Change the battle music
*Skip and reset events
...and MUCH more!

What's new in version 3.1? (10/2/98)
*More codes 
*Format redone
*Certain non-working codes removed or updated
*Misc. error corrections and updated GGCCC info.

 Distribution of this guide:

 This guide may be uploaded to other web sites providing that the content is
 not altered. We also ask that if you have time to please drop us an E-Mail at if you are using it on your site so that we can
 send you out updates when we update the FAQ. For more information on our
 guidelines for usage of our FAQs and codes, visit our web site at

 This guide is best viewed in a 10 pt. Courier font.

Version History of this FAQ:

Chrono Trigger FAQ 2.1 - Updated in December of 1996. No major change of the
way it was made up however a few new codes were added. New codes were added
by New sections were also added.

Chrono Trigger FAQ 2.0 - Created in March of 1996. The whole FAQ was redone
by in an easier to read format.

Chrono Trigger FAQ 1.0 - Created in October of 1995. This was compiled by and was the GGCCC's first FAQ ever.

A quick note...
*Multiple versions of the Chrono Trigger game pak exist!  Therefore certain
codes may not work for you.  Different versions of the Game Genie exist as
well, try the conversion chart below if the code doesn't appear to be

D <-> 6     0 <-> A         Change the 3rd slot of the code:    
F <-> B     9 <-> 2         Ex.
4 <-> C     1 <-> 3         Old code = BC38-8F06
7 <-> 8     5 <-> E         New code = BC18-8F06



EEDD-7F5D       Start with a higher max. HP
63DD-745D       Start with a higher max. MP
BDDD-74ED       Start with max. power
BDDD-777D       Start with max. stamina
BDDD-775D       Start with max. speed
BDDD-778D       Start with max. magic
BDDD-77ED       Start with max. hit ratio
BDDF-7D7D       Start with max. evade
BDDF-7D5D       Start with max. magic defense
<By: GALOOB, makers of the GAME GENIE>

Character modification codes for all characters  <By:>
Note: For the following codes you must start a new game and play until the
specified character joins your party.

DFDD-7D7D       Crono will appear as Marle in subscreen 
D4DD-7D7D       Crono will appear as Lucca in subscreen 
D7DD-7D7D       Crono will appear as Robo in subscreen 
D0DD-7D7D       Crono will appear as Frog in subscreen 
D9DD-7D7D       Crono will appear as Ayla in subscreen 
D1DD-7D7D       Crono will appear as Magus in subscreen 
D5DD-7D7D       Crono will appear as Epoch (a strangely colored Crono) in
DCDF-7D8D       Crono will be at Level 10 (affects no other stats) 
F7DF-7DED       Crono will have 19 Exp. (quick level up) 
B4D4-7FED       Crono will be equipped with R'bow Helm as a helm 
12D4-747D       Crono will be equipped with Moon Armor as armor 
D3D4-745D       Crono will be equipped with Shiva Edge as a weapon 
85D4-748D       Crono will be equipped with Power Seal as an accessory 
EED9-7F5D       Marle will start with a higher max. HP 
63D9-745D       Marle will start with a higher max. MP 
BDD9-74ED       Marle will start with max. power 
BDD9-777D       Marle will start with max. stamina 
BDD9-775D       Marle will start with max. speed 
BDD9-778D       Marle will start with max. magic 
BDD9-77ED       Marle will start with max. hit ratio 
BDD1-7D7D       Marle will start with max. evade 
BDD1-7D5D       Marle will start with max. magic defense 
DCD1-7D8D       Marle will be at Level 10 (affects no other stats) 
F7D1-7DED       Marle will have 19 Exp. (quick level up) 
B4D5-7FED       Marle will be equipped with R'bow Helm as a helm 
1AD5-747D       Marle will be equipped with PrismDress as armor 
D3D5-745D       Marle will be equipped with Shiva Edge as a weapon 
C3D5-748D       Marle will be equipped with Black Rock as an accessory 
DDDC-7D7D       Lucca will appear as Crono in subscreen 
EEDC-7F5D       Lucca will start with a higher max. HP 
63DC-745D       Lucca will start with a higher max. MP 
BDDC-74ED       Lucca will start with max. power 
BDDC-777D       Lucca will start with max. stamina 
BDDC-775D       Lucca will start with max. speed 
BDDC-778D       Lucca will start with max. magic 
BDDC-77ED       Lucca will start with max. hit ratio 
BDD8-7D7D       Lucca will start with max. evade 
BDD8-7D5D       Lucca will start with max. magic defense 
DCD8-7D8D       Lucca will be at Level 10 (affects no other stats) 
F7D8-7DED       Lucca will have 19 Exp. (quick level up) 
B4DA-7FED       Lucca will be equipped with R'bow Helm as a helm 
1ADA-747D       Lucca will be equipped with PrismDress as armor 
46DA-745D       Lucca will be equipped with WonderShot as a weapon 
81DA-748D       Lucca will be equipped with Magic Seal as an accessory 
DDDE-7D7D       Robo will appear as Crono in subscreen 
EEDE-7F5D       Robo will start with a higher max. HP 
63DE-745D       Robo will start with a higher max. MP 
BDDE-74ED       Robo will start with max. power 
BDDE-777D       Robo will start with max. stamina 
BDDE-775D       Robo will start with max. speed 
BDDE-778D       Robo will start with max. magic 
BDDE-77ED       Robo will start with max. hit ratio 
BDDD-5D7D       Robo will start with max. evade 
BDDD-5D5D       Robo will start with max. magic defense 
DCDD-5D8D       Robo will be at Level 10 (affects no other stats) 
F7DD-5DED       Robo will have 19 Exp. (quick level up) 
B4DF-5FED       Robo will be equipped with R'bow Helm as a helm 
1EDF-547D       Robo will be equipped with RavenArmor as armor 
D3DF-545D       Robo will be equipped with Shiva Edge as a weapon 
C3DF-548D       Robo will be equipped with Black Rock as an accessory 
DDD0-5D7D       Frog will appear as Crono in subscreen 
EED0-5F5D       Frog will start with a higher max. HP 
63D0-545D       Frog will start with a higher max. MP 
BDD0-54ED       Frog will start with max. power 
BDD0-577D       Frog will start with max. stamina 
BDD0-575D       Frog will start with max. speed 
BDD0-578D       Frog will start with max. magic 
BDD0-57ED       Frog will start with max. hit ratio 
BDD9-5D7D       Frog will start with max. evade 
BDD9-5D5D       Frog will start with max. magic defense 
DCD9-5D8D       Frog will be at Level 10 (affects no other stats) 
F7D9-5DED       Frog will have 19 Exp. (quick level up) 
B4D1-5FED       Frog will be equipped with R'bow Helm as a helm 
1ED1-547D       Frog will be equipped with RavenArmor as armor 
D3D1-545D       Frog will be equipped with Shiva Edge as a weapon 
C3D1-548D       Frog will be equipped with Black Rock as an accessory 
DDDB-5D7D       Ayla will appear as Crono in subscreen 
EEDB-5F5D       Ayla will start with a higher max. HP 
63DB-545D       Ayla will start with a higher max. MP 
BDDB-54ED       Ayla will start with max. power 
BDDB-577D       Ayla will start with max. stamina 
BDDB-575D       Ayla will start with max. speed 
BDDB-578D       Ayla will start with max. magic 
BDDB-57ED       Ayla will start with max. hit ratio 
BDDC-5D7D       Ayla will start with max. evade 
BDDC-5D5D       Ayla will start with max. magic defense 
DCDC-5D8D       Ayla will be at Level 10 (affects no other stats) 
F7DC-5DED       Ayla will have 19 Exp. (quick level up) 
B4D8-5FED       Ayla will be equipped with R'bow Helm as a helm 
1ED8-547D       Ayla will be equipped with RavenArmor as armor 
D3D8-545D       Ayla will be equipped with Shiva Edge as a weapon 
C3D8-548D       Ayla will be equipped with Black Rock as an accessory 
DDD3-5D7D       Magus will appear as Crono in subscreen 
EED3-5F5D       Magus will start with a higher max. HP 
63D3-545D       Magus will start with a higher max. MP 
BDD3-54ED       Magus will start with max. power 
BDD3-577D       Magus will start with max. stamina 
BDD3-575D       Magus will start with max. speed 
BDD3-578D       Magus will start with max. magic 
BDD3-57ED       Magus will start with max. hit ratio 
BDDE-5D7D       Magus will start with max. evade 
BDDE-5D5D       Magus will start with max. magic defense 
DCDE-5D8D       Magus will be at Level 10 (affects no other stats) 
F7DE-5DED       Magus will have 19 Exp. (quick level up) 
B4DD-8FED       Magus will be equipped with R'bow Helm as a helm 
1EDD-847D       Magus will be equipped with RavenArmor as armor 
D3DD-845D       Magus will be equipped with Shiva Edge as a weapon 
C3DD-848D       Magus will be equipped with Black Rock as an accessory 

For the above codes that modify the character's equipment (helm, armor,
weapon, accessory), you can replace the first two slots of the code with
the below combinations for different items/equipment.

DD - *nothing*     FD - Slasher     4D - Dart Gun     7D - MirageHand
DF - Wood Sword    FF - Bronze Bow  4F - Auto Gun     7F - Stone Arm
D4 - Iron Sword    F4 - Iron Bow    44 - PicoMagnum   74 - Doom Finger
D7 - Steel Saber   F7 - Lode Bow    47 - Plasma Gun   77 - Magma Hand
D0 - Lode Sword    F0 - Robin Bow   40 - Ruby Gun     70 - Megaton Arm
D9 - Red Katana    F9 - Sage Bow    49 - Dream Gun    79 - Big Hand
D1 - Flint Edge    F1 - Dream Bow   41 - Megablast    71 - Kaiser Arm
D5 - Dark Saber    F5 - Comet Arrow 45 - Shock Wave   75 - Giga Arm
D6 - Aeon Blade    F6 - Sonic Arrow 46 - WonderShot   76 - Terra Arm
DB - Demon Edge    FB - Valkerye    4B - Graedus      7B - Crisis Arm
DC - Alloy Blade   FC - Siren       4C - *Gun symbol* 7C - *Arm symbol*
D8 - Star Sword    F8 -*Bow symbol* 48 - *Gun symbol* 78 - Bronze Edge
DA - Vedic Blade   FA -*Bow symbol* 4A - *Gun symbol* 7A - Iron Sword
D2 - Kali Blade    F2 -*Bow symbol* 42 - *Gun symbol* 72 - Masamune
D3 - Shiva Edge    F3 -*Bow symbol* 43 - Tin Arm      73 - Flash Blade
DE - Bolt Sword    FE - Air Gun     4E - Hammer Arm   7E - Pearl Edge

0D - Rune Blade    9D - Bent Sword  1D - Titan Vest   5D - Gloom Cape
0F - Brave Sword   9F - Bent Hilt   1F - Gold Suit    5F - White Mail
04 - Masamune      94 - Masamune 0  14 - Ruby Vest    54 - Black Mail
07 - Demon Hit     97 - Swallow     17 - Dark Mail    57 - Blue Mail
00 - Fist          90 - Slasher 2   10 - Mist Robe    50 - Red Mail
09 - Fist          99 - Rainbow     19 - Meso Mail    59 - White Vest
01 - Fist          91 - *nothing*   11 - Lumin Robe   51 - Black Vest
05 - Iron Fist     95 - *nothing*   15 - Flash Mail   55 - Blue Vest
06 - Bronze Fist   96 - *nothing*   16 - Lode Vest    56 - Red Vest
0B - *Fist symbol* 9B - *nothing*   1B - Aeon Suit    5B - Taban Vest
0C - *Fist symbol* 9C - *nothing*   1C - Zodiac Cape  5C - Taban Suit
08 - Dark Scythe   98 - Hide Tunic  18 - Nova Armor   58 - *nothing*
0A - Hurricane     9A - Karate Gi   1A - Prism Dress  5A - Hide Cap
02 - Star Scythe   92 - Bronze Mail 12 - Moon Armor   52 - Bronze Helm
03 - Dark Sickle   93 - Maiden Suit 13 - Ruby Armor   53 - Iron Helm
0E - Mop           9E - Iron Suit   1E - Raven Armor  5E - Beret

6D - Gold Helm     BD - Ozzie Pants CD - Silver Erng  8D - Silver Rock
6F - Rock Helm     BF - Haste Helm  CF - Gold Erng    8F - White Rock
64 - Cera Topper   B4 - R'bow Helm  C4 - Silver Stud  84 - Gold Rock
67 - Glow Helm     B7 - Mermaid Cap C7 - Gold Stud    87 - Hero Medal
60 - Lode Helm     B0 - *nothing*   C0 - Sight Scope  80 - Muscle Ring
69 - Aeon Helm     B9 - Bandana     C9 - Charm Top    89 - Flea Vest
61 - Prism Helm    B1 - Ribbon      C1 - Rage Band    81 - Magic Seal
65 - Doom Helm     B5 - Power Glove C5 - Frenzy Band  85 - Power Seal
66 - Dark Helm     B6 - Defender    C6 - Third Eye    86 - Relic
6B - Gloom Helm    BB - Magic Scarf CB - Wallet       8B - SeraphSong
6C - Safe Helm     BC - Amulet      CC - Green Dream  8C - Sun Shades
68 - Taban Helm    B8 - Dash Ring   C8 - Berserker    88 - Prism Specs
6A - Sight Cap     BA - Hit Ring    CA - Power Scarf  8A - *nothing*
62 - Memory Cap    B2 - Power Ring  C2 - Speed Belt   82 - Tonic
63 - Time Hat      B3 - Magic Ring  C3 - Black Rock   83 - Mid Tonic
6E - Vigil Hat     BE - Wall Ring   CE - Blue Rock    8E - Full Tonic

AD - Ether         2D - Petal       3D - Ruby Knife
AF - Mid Ether     2F - Fang        3F - Yakra Key
A4 - Full Ether    24 - Horn        34 - Clone
A7 - Elixir        27 - Feather     37 - Toma's Pop
A0 - HyperEther    20 - Seed        30 - 2 Petals
A9 - MegaElixir    29 - Bike Key    39 - 2 Fangs
A1 - Heal          21 - Pendant     31 - 2 Horns
A5 - Revive        25 - Gate Key    35 - 2 Feathers
A6 - Shelter       26 - PrismShard  36 - *nothing*
AB - Power Meal    2B - C. Trigger
AC - Lapis         2C - Tools
A8 - Barrier       28 - Jerky
A2 - Power Tab     22 - Race Log
A3 - Magic Tab     23 - Moon Stone
AE - Speed Tab     2E - Sun Stone


All characters go to level 99 after one battle!  Save tabs until after you
do this to boost the the stats without a **.  <By:>

Get all techs/magic after one battle, including double and triple techs!  Go
into battle with different characters to get everyone's techs.

Get 999 HP, 99 MP and all techs after a battle.  Turn the GG off when the
game freezes, it will look like you are going to level 99 but you are only
getting full HP and MP and the techs.  <By:>

You are invincible and if a monster hits you they all die!

9DA6-7765       Infinite MP for lead party member
9DAB-7765       Infinite MP for 2nd party member
9DA8-77D5       Infinite MP for 3rd party member
Works in battle mode only.  <By:>

Change monsters you fight in battle!  <By:>
xxDC-5FAF or xxDC-5F6F
Replace xx with different combinations to access different monsters when you
enter a battle.  The monsters you will get is very random, partly depends on
the original monster group you decide to enter battle with.  You can access
all monsters, including dummied out ones.  Keep in mind that the code
accesses parts of monsters as well.  For example, Lavos Spawn is only one
monster but has two attackable parts.  One downside to the code is that the
monster's graphic will be glitched if you are not in an area native to where
that monster is (color swap monsters are ok).  All special magic/tech
attacks the monster uses are fine, though.
Unusual monsters:
|   Name    |  HP  | Attacks/Magic | Charm/Twin Charm | Exp./G/Tech P./Won |
| Bull Frog |  100 | Regular/None  | Nothing/Nothing  | 127/200/4/Nothing  |
| Departed  | 1650 | Regular/None  | HyperEther/Same  | 555/500/8/Lapis    |
| Frog King |    1 | Regular/None  | Nothing/Nothing  | 10/100/1/Nothing   |
| Johnny    |  408 | Regular/None  | Nothing/Nothing  | 246/150/8/Nothing  |
| Octobino  |    1 | Regular/None  | Nothing/Nothing  | 146/250/4/Nothing  |
| Octorider |  100 | None/None     | Nothing/Nothing  | 30/45/2/Nothing    |
| Ogre      |    1 | None/None     | Nothing/Nothing  | 348/650/8/Nothing  |
| Omicrone  |    1 | None/None     | Nothing/Nothing  | 455/600/8/Nothing  |

Win a battle after killing only 1 enemy.  For some enemies there is no need
to fight.  You will only get Exp./tech points/G for the monster you killed,
however.  <By:>

Get nearly every item in the game after winning a battle.  After battle,
the game will freeze, but it's actually processing items.  Wait a while,
and the battle will end.  Now take a look at your item list.  You should
have 98-100% of the items in the game.  Note: the "dummied" items are
totally useless.  They were literally erased from the game and have no use.
All you see of them is the icons.  <By:>

Gain more HP and MP after winning a battle.  After battle, all characters HP
and MP will increase just as if you gained a level. This works also for
people not in your current party.  <By:>

Enemies reappear after a battle.  <By:>

Only techs damage enemies.  <By:>

No menus in battle mode.  <By:>

Different, random sound effects in battle.  <By:>

Invincible to almost all types of monster attacks/magic.  Stronger enemies
may kill some of the party members but not the lead character.

Automatically win a battle.  Go into a fight and as soon as one of your
characters goes to attack the enemies will disappear and the game will
continue normally.  <By:>

Techs you use will have the graphic of another tech.  Change first 2 slots
of the code for different effects.  <By:>
Max. out all abilities such as power, magic, speed, etc. for every
character.  <By:>

All attacks in battle (physical or magic) do 9999 damage.  Use this code
with the invincibility code 24A0-5700 to max. party member's attributes
when they gain levels.  The attributes will go down again if levels are
gained while the codes are not active.  <By:>

Random effects after winning a battle.  You may get a weapon from an enemy
that gives an item, have your HP raised to 999 at level 1 or learn most or
all techs after a battle.  The effect depends on the time period and
location.  When using this code, let the game freeze before choosing an
attack command, then turn the GG off and back on.  Before the game freezes
again kill all of the enemies.  <By:>

Play dead to win battles instantly.  When you go into combat your party
members will fall down like they died.  Turn the GG off, the monsters
disappear, and the game continues normally.  Works on bosses as well.

Some enemies may not appear when the fight begins.  <>

Get a series of pop-up texts during a battle such as "Energy is stored in
the wheels," "Mortal blow!," "Yakra's Needlespin" etc.  May freeze the game
after serveral messages.  <By:>

Instantly run away from any monster! (Revised).  Works on bosses, even
Lavos.  Game will act as if you had beaten them normally.

Replace xx to change the death sound effect when you kill a regular enemy.
D3-7E, EC-EE = silent  <By:>

Regular enemies die like bosses.  Different code.  <By:>

75D6-7DE0 + B2D6-7F70 + 06D6-7450 + 4BD6-7780
Regular enemies go out with a BANG!  <By:>

Erase saves when you go into a battle.  Use this in the intro if save
data is corrupt.  <By:>

Erases Crono's name when you enter a battle.  Effect is permanent if you
save.  <By:>

Race Johnny when you enter a battle.  <By:>

Enemies can't use techs/magic/special attacks at all.  Try this on Spekkio!
He's hilariously easy.  A few notes: You'll see Spekkio's physical attacks.
Also, when fighting the 2nd Lavos, you *must* turn off the GG after you
destroy both arms for it to use Obstacle and lower its defense.  Also, you
must turn it off again at the Lavos Core for the Active Life bit to turn off
defense.  <By:>

This is a better version of's "More Wierd Battles" code.
This one doesn't crash at all.  The character's dont do any animations in
battle.  <By:>

Messed up bar in battles.  This code makes the bar with the names/HP/MP look
like it has gears turning in it in battles.  <By:>

Damage and Healing numbers are spread out in battle.  Ex: insted of saying
9999, it will look like 9  9  9  9.  It may even spread across the whole
screen!  <By:>

Damage number glitch.  This code makes on of the damage or healing digits in
battle glitch out so you can't see exactly how much damage you do.

Any character's attack does more damage.  This code also works with techs
but not magic.  <By:>

Techs have strange effects.  When you use a tech it may hit your party,
confuse all enemies, etc.  <By:>

All attacks do very little damage, both for your party and the enemies.

Non-magic attacks do very little damage.  <By:>

Magic attacks do high damage.  <By:>

Robo's techs use all MP.  <By:>

Get more gold after a battle.  Amounts may vary depending on the monster(s).
Some party members may jump to different places on the screen during the
battle so use this code with a walk thru walls code in case your characters
get stuck in a wall.  <By:>

Most moving monsters will try to run away in battle.  Will not work on
enemies that don't move or bosses.  Some monsters may fight back if you
attack while they are trying to run.  A few enemies may glitch the game,
like the Winged Apes.  Not perfect, but a helpful code.

Increase the evade rate.  Chances are about 1 in 10 of getting hit, for both
monsters and your party.  Regular attacks only.  <By:>

Everyone (party and monsters) are invisible in battle.

Enemies and your party are invincible in battles.  Turn the GG off when it
is your turn to attack.  <By:>

Any and all attacks do 9999 damage, both your party and monsters.  Equip
Crono with the Haste Cap for 4x 9999 damage when using the "Confuse" tech.

Techs are not listed on the tech screen but still work.

Lowers Lucca's max. HP when she uses techs.  <By:>

Can't use techs in battle.  <By:>

All attacks do 0 damage.  <By:>

All attacks do 0 damage, can erase saved games.  <By:>

All attacks do 1 damage.  <By:>

Enemies die by disappearing.  <By: strato>

Critical hits do 0 damage, enemies disappear instead of die.

Enemies disappear when killed with a weapon.  They will die normally if
killed with a tech.  <By:>

Use a tech, you win the battle and will get level ups and items.

Make damage repeat.  Turn the GG off after 3 times to prevent the game from
crashing.  <By:>

Have no control of your party in battle.  Chrono, Marle, etc. may attack
friends or foes.  <By:>

Strange things happen during a battle.  <By:>

Enemies die like bosses (flash + disappear)  <By:>

Enemies will look like your party in battle.  <By:>

Get lots of gold after a battle.  <By:>

Speedbar never goes down.  <By:>

Alters the damage your party and the enemies take in a battle.

Party members do things without you in control.  Turn the GG off to continue
normally.  <By:>

Enter a battle, the game will appear to have crashed but press the "A"
button.  When you use an attack, it looks like you glide and when you do a
tech you don't move your arms.  Your characters don't do the victory dance.
Game may freeze sometimes.  <By:>

Does strange things after a battle.  You may get lots of exp. and just a
few gold and tech points or you may get lots of gold and just a little exp.
and tech points.  If you fight an enemy that usually gives an item after a
battle you might get lots of a different item.  During the battle enemies
might keep attacking over and over again so turn the GG off and back on when
they stop.  Try to keep the GG on most of the battle.  This code may not do
anything when fighting certain enemy groups.  Try fighting large groups of
enemies.  <By:>

Alter stats and other things after a battle.  After you start a new game, go
to Guardia Forest with Crono only.  Then go to the bird with the bell and
fight the 2 beetles.  Do not touch the other creatures.  When in battle, the
game will freeze.  Turn the GG off and back on.  After killing one beetle,
run away from battle.  When the screen messes up turn the GG off again, then
turn it back on when you hear the running away sound.  The normal screen
will also be messed up so go to the menu screen and exit.  If the trick
worked, Crono's stats will have changed and there will be 6 cats at Crono's
house.  If you go upstairs at his house Crono's mom will wake him up again.

Mixed up characters in battle.  <By:>

Invisible in a fight.  <By:>

Every attack on enemy or companion, hurts Crono by "0" HP.

Regular attacks do 1 HP damage, dual techs = 2 HP damage, triple techs = 2
HP damage.  <By:>

Every attack on enemy or companion = 9999 HP.  This code hits 9999 every
time.  <By:>

Enemies and your party are invincible.  <By:>

For the first few rounds of battle the damage that is dealt to you
increasingly goes down.  <By:>

Strange battles.  Enemies will turn into glitched letters and you may win or
lose a battle instantly.  Techs do no damage.  You will lose automatically
more than you win automatically.  <By:>

Assorted damage in battles.  Sometimes you take 0, sometimes you take normal
amounts, ignore disappearing characters.  <By:>

Take zero damage in battles.  <By:>

Immune to some attacks and spells.  Hallation, some spells and critical
attacks do little or no damage.  <By:>

Immune to most attacks and spells.  Enemies do 1 damage except Hallation,
normal attacks do nothing, critical attacks do 2 damage.

Enemies can do no damage, critical attacks do no damage, and everything else
does 1 damage.  <By:>

Erases 2nd saved game and all are invincible in battles.  Effects may vary
depending on the situation.  <By:>

Invincibility in battles, but if a monster throws you there is a possibility
you might get stuck.  <By:>

Every hit kills, party or monster.  <By:>

Enemies won't attack unless close.  <By:>

Following codes may cause an eternal battle (EB).  Battles don't end; hidden
enemies will continue attacking you.  To get out of the battle, you must
quickly have 2 characters kill the same enemy twice (the enemy must take one
hit to kill).  This is the only known way to get out of an EB, and may not
work in all situations.  <By:>

In battle, use a tech and you will get a weird message saying, "Got 1x
Lightning" or "Got 1x rovoke."  All monsters are instantly killed and
results in an EB.  <By:>

Instantly destroys all enemies (and some bosses) when you try to attack or
use a tech.  Will result in an EB.  <By:>

Party is invincible in battles, EB.  <By:>

Enemies disappear instead of die, which results in an EB.  Crono takes ALL
the HP adds (cure), and subtracts (attacks) for companions.

EB, 3rd person invincible, 1 hit kills 1st person, Revive revives 1st person
to full HP, 1st person dies when enemy misses, 3rd person gets hurt when
certain enemies are attacked, 2nd person dies when revived or cured, Cure
doesn't effect 3rd person.  <By:>

In battles, if the 2nd person gets hit, the 1st person dies, if the 2nd
person is cured, he/she sometimes dies. There are many other things too like
an EB.  <By:>

1st person invincible, attacks against the 2nd person take 4 HP, attacks
against the 3rd person only take 8 HP, EB.  <By:>

1st invincible, 2nd and 3rd die with 1 hit, 1st cannot be cured, EB.

Everyone is invincible, EB.  <By:>

Party is invincible, however, results in an EB.  <By:>


Magus vs. Magus!  <By:>
Requirements: CT Walk Thru Walls Code (EEBO-EFA4)
1. Begin a new game or New Game +.
2. Play normally until you get chased into the future and land in the Bangor
3. Go thru Lab 16.
4. Turn the Walk Thru Walls code on.
5. Go thru Sewer Access to the Keeper's Dome.
6. Walk thru the sealed doors and get the Epoch.
7. Travel to 12000 B.C. and play the rest of the game normally... until you
   get Magus.
8. When you get Magus and the Black Omen appears, go to the Denandoro Mts.
   and fight Masamune (sometimes he's already dead).
9. Go to Melchior's and fix the Masamune (don't try and walk out the door
   while they're working or the game will freeze).
10. Go back to 600 A.D.  Magus' Castle will be there!
11. Go in with Magus in your party and see Magus vs. Magus!

Save your game anywhere, including the Programmer's ending and at Lavos
(when Lavos changes attack mode).  Walk into any area with a save point.
Touch it and it will hear a ching, do it again and it won't.  Now check
your status screen and you can save anywhere.  Code still works without
the GG as long as you don't enter an area with a save point.

Near perfect walk thru walls code!  Walk anywhere on any screen.  However,
you will not be able to change areas with the GG on.

Wave background (like when fighting Lavos Core) when you enter an area.
Game may glitch if you keep switching areas.  <By:>

Revised walk thru walls code.  Doesn't work in all areas and can't move on
all parts of the screen.  However you can change areas (walk thru sealed
doors, etc.).  Use this code to skip a large portion of the game by walking
through the sealed doors to get Epoch on the first visit to the future.
Also, there is a "secret path" in the room where Janus and Schala talk,
right above the book cases.  It will take you to one of the ending scenes,
then dump you on the elevator shaft in the Ocean Palace with all characters
in your party, including Magus.  Credit goes out to the person on the
Gamewiz board who found this.  <By:>

Characters not in your party move very fast.  <By:>

Walk thru walls - up direction only.  Must reset if you get stuck.

Conversations repeat, can also listen to conversations from other parts of
the game.  Talk to a person (or look at a sign, etc.), go to the menu
screen, then exit.  The text should repeat.  Now, if you go to different
areas, go to the menu screen and quit, you may get speech from another part
of the game.  <By:>

Teleport code.  Depending on what area you enter (or if you change areas)
many things may happen like:
1. Get an ending.
2. Get transported to an event in the game.
3. Get transported to another area in the same era.
4. Get transported to another era.
5. Get transported to a map.
6. Get transported to an area where you can't move (glitch).
See the "Walk on 1999 A.D. map" for an interesting use for the code ;)

Earthquake screen.  <By:>

The movements of some creatures is strange, may cause glitches.

Change character looks.  Examples: Crono's Mom looks like Melchoir, the cat
is the King of Guardia, Gato is a Reptite, etc.  Note: Game may black out if
you enter enemy-only areas with GG on.  <By:>

This code will transport your characters to different places than the other
transport codes (when you switch areas).  Will also change where you are on
the map if you leave an area.  <By:>

Leave the GG off until you enter a building in Truce 1000 A.D.  Turn the GG
on and leave the building.  When you see the map turn the GG off again.  Now
you will be watching the "Killed by Lavos" ending.

This code is very weird.  It is a modified version of the code for the bad
ending every time you go into a Truce Village house.  Turn on the GG when it
starts saying "Crono..."  Then go down and talk to Crono's Mom. She will
give you the chance to name Lucca but you will only get a black screen
instead of the name screen.  Press Start to go on from this point.  Then go
straight upstairs and go back down.  You have about a 50/50 chance of seeing
Crono's Mom sitting in her chair.  If she is, then when you come up to her
she will say something like "Crono, I heard you were going to be executed."
This means you skipped ahead into the game.  The save menu name is now
Forward to the Past.  You only have Crono, but the events are the same as if
you had gone through the game to that point except the men are still
guarding Lucca's machine.  It certainly is weird and there are many
glitches, but it might be modified. Also if you keep it on, you may see the
bad ending in a building in Truce.  <By:>

Strange walk thru walls code. You can "slide" your characters to the left
and right in any area.  Turn the GG off to stop them.  Be careful where you
stop and try not to walk off the screen.  <By:>

Your party will run very fast but in an up direction only.  If you get stuck
against a wall turn off the GG and do a regular sprint to free yourself.

Teleport code.  To use this code, enter any area and walk around in circles
and such with any character.  Eventually you will be transported to a random
area, event, or ending.  Sometimes you will be transported to a random area
where you can't move (glitch).  You should use this code with a walk thru
walls in case you get stuck when you change screens.


Get some items just by going into the items screen (try equipping characters
first).  <By:> 

This code has two effects.  The first is this: go into a shop (things should
have different prices), exit it, go back in, and voila!  Everything will
cost only 1GP, and you will be able to sell ANY item in your inventory;
allowing you to rid yourself of old accessories, armor, etc.  But you
won't get anything for the things you sell.  The second effect is this:
simply go to the stat screen, and any character will be able to equip
anything.  Ex: equip Robo with a Rainbow, Crono with a Prism Dress, etc.
This doesn't mean you can equip, say, weapons in your armor slot, it means
you can equip any weapon in your weapon slots, etc.  Note: There are two bad
sides to this code, the first is that you can't use items, and the second
is that it causes graphic glitches while walking on the map. So, only use
the effects of this code when needed.  <By:>

Get Magus on your menu screen.  Leave the GG off until you enter an area.
Turn it on and then go to your menu screen.  Crono will now have a Magus
portrait and equipment. You can't keep the "Crono Magus" but you can
unequip Magus' equipment and keep it.  <By:>

Heal party to a certain or above normal HP on menu screen.

Replace Gaspar on the character exchange screen with:
9BE7-77AB               Algetty villager
9BE7-74AB               Belthasar
00E7-7FAB               Melchior
9BE7-77AB + 9BE7-74AB   Toma <By:>

Enter an area from the map and the saved game screen from after the title
screen will show up.  <By:>

Get a menu screen with 9 possible character slots after the title screen,
showing that two more party members were planned but not put in the final
version.  <By:>

Game never starts up, erases saved data.  <By:>

Silver pendulum on title screen.  <By:>

Changes what appears at the title screen.
DF - Partial credits list
15 - Glitched version of time warp at Magus' castle.

Pendulum screen never ends.  <By:>

Play the jet bike race at the title screen.  Turn GG off to go to the saves
menu.  <By:>

Time warp graphics on the title screen.  Turn GG off to go to the saves
screen.  <By:>

Start a game on level 0.  Instead of getting the normal saved game screen
after the title screen you will get the one from the menu.  Choose a slot
and save.  Then reset the game with the GG turned off.  Use New Game + on
that save and Crono will begin with 0 of almost everything.  No known useful
effect for this code yet.  <By:>


Walk on the 1999 A.D. Day of Lavos map! <By:>
1. Enter the following codes:
   29BD-5F07 (teleport)
   7F67-5DD0 (invincibility - turn GG off when party falls "dead" in battle) 
   EEB0-EFA4 (walk thru walls)
2. Turn GG off and start a new game.
3. Go to the fair, turn the GG on right before you enter the area where
   Gato is.
4. Once you change areas it will show Crono fall of the cliffs on the side
   of Death Peak and land by a save point.  Turn the GG off.
5. Walk North/Northwest and go into the cave.
6. Once in the cave, turn on the GG and "kill" the Lavos Spawn.
7. Have the GG on, walk-thru walls to the right (past the chest with the
   Giga Arm in it), walk up both sets of stairs, and into the cave entrance.
8. You will see your map Crono on a greenish colored screen.  Walk to the
   right.  Viola!  You are now walking on the 1999 A.D. map!  Even pops up
   in the lower left corner :)  Press select to look at the large map.  Walk
   "around" the map to go on different continents.  You can save your game
   here too, but not a good idea as you are unable to leave.

4444-54D8       Yellow text on map screen <By:>
5444-54D8       Purple text on map screen <By:>
0444-54D8       Orange text on map screen <By:>
1444-54D8       Pink text on map screen   <By:>

Enter an area from the map and leave.  You will be moved to a different
part of the map.  If you get stuck you will need to reset.

A walk thru walls type code that works when you are on the map.  Watch out,
you can get stuck and will have to reset.  <By:>

Invisible characters on map screen.  <By:>

Walk in the clouds on the Zeal map.  Have a saved game by Enhasa in Zeal
12000 B.C.  Once you do that, use this code.  You will now be able to walk
off the continent and move anywhere in the clouds.


The Chrono Trigger battle music jukebox!  <By:>
Following code will replace the music for most battles that use the regular
battle theme.

DD - *Dragon tank                       FD - Sun Keep
DF - Present (1000 A.D. map)            FF - *Seagulls
D4 - Middle Ages (600 A.D. map)         F4 - *Leene's Bell
D7 - Dark Ages (12000 B.C. Zeal map)    F7 - Epoch
D0 - Prehistoric (65000000 B.C. map)    F0 - Schala's theme
D9 - Future (2300 A.D. map)             F9 - Spekkio/Nu
D1 - The Millennial Fair                F1 - Danger!
D5 - Marle's theme                      F5 - The Trial
D6 - Forest                             F6 - Crono's theme
DB - Zeal Palace                        FB - *The Blackbird interior
DC - Factory                            FC - *Outside the Blackbird
D8 - Ayla's theme                       F8 - Success!
DA - Guardia Castle                     FA - Marle returns
D2 - Lavos                              F2 - Bleak future
D3 - Robo's theme                       F3 - 1000 A.D. town
DE - Crono awakes                       FE - Marle vanishes (telepod)

4D - *Jail/dripping water               7D - Pendulum/Title screen
4F - *Flowing water                     7F - Ocean Palace
44 - *Wind                              74 - Lavos Core
47 - Crono goes to jail                 77 - Lab 16/32
40 - Organ                              70 - *Inside Lavos
49 - Won clone!                         79 - *Lavos awakens
41 - Dead                               71 - Hunting Range
45 - Johnny                             75 - Time warp
46 - Magus' theme                       76 - Dactyl Nest
4B - Boss battle                        7B - Battle with Lavos (2nd form)
4C - Frog's theme                       7C - *Lavos scream
48 - Good Night                         78 - Belthasar
4A - Race with Johnny                   7A - Catherdral interior
42 - Dome                               72 - Opened sealed chest
43 - Sealed chest                       73 - End of time
4E - Denadoro Mts.                      7E - Ending theme (for New Game +)

0D - Magus' Castle                      9D - Crashing Epoch
0F - *Chanting                          9F - 2nd battle theme (Unreleased)
04 - Gato                               94 - Singing Mtn. (Unreleased)
07 - *Unknown
00 - Black Omen
09 - Battle theme
01 - Tyrano Lair
05 - *Tidal wave
06 - Reinstate execution
0B - Moonlight Parade
0C - *Zeal falls
08 - *Tide
0A - *Inside Lavos
02 - Ending theme (Marle)
03 - Big boss battle
0E - Unknown (Unreleased)

Listen to unreleased sound clips in Chrono Trigger!
Enter the code, but leave the GG off until you are ready to enter the
specified area from the map:
Music #1 = 2nd Battle Theme, #2 = Singing Mountain, #3 = Unknown 
Clip #1: 6ED7-5F64  Death Peak 2300 A.D.
Clip #2: E3D7-5FA4  Forest Ruins 1000 A.D. (Blue pyramid next to Medina)
Clip #3: 8ED7-5FA4  Zenan Bridge 600 A.D. (Either side)

Strange new music and sound effects.  <By:>

More strange music and sound effects.  <By:>

Music doesn't change when you enter an area from the map or switch areas.



Thank you for downloading The Chrono Trigger Game Genie FAQ!
Chrono Trigger Game Genie Guide v. 3.1 brought to you by the GGCCC: 

This FAQ is currently maintained by:
Luke <>
Send E-Mail for corrections, code submissions, comments, etc.

Until the next update....


   (c) 1996, 1998, 1999 Game Genie Code Creators Club, All rights reserved. 
  The text of this file may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
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