      ___             ___            ___            ___            ___     /\  \           /\  \          /\  \          /\  \          /\  \
    //\\  \         //\\  \        //\\  \        //\\  \        //\\  \
   ///\\\  \       ///\\\  \      ///\\\  \      ///\\\  \      ///\\\  \
  ///  \\\  \     ///  \\\  \    ///  \\\  \    ///  \\\  \    ///  \\\  \
 ///  /  \\\  \  ///  / \\\  \  ///  / \\\  \  ///  / \\\  \  ///  / \\\  \
///__/    \\\__\///__/   \\\__\///__/   \\\__\///__/   \\\__\///__/   \\\__\
\\\  \  ___\/__/\\\  \ ___\/__/\\\  \    \/__/\\\  \    \/__/\\\  \    \/__/
 \\\  \/\  \     \\\  /\  \     \\\  \         \\\  \         \\\  \
  \\\  \\\ _\     \\\ \\\__\     \\\  \         \\\  \         \\\  \
   \\\///  /       \\\///  /      \\\  \         \\\  \         \\\  \
    \\//  /         \\//  /        \\\__\         \\\__\         \\\__\
     \/__/           \/__/          \/__/          \/__/          \/__/ 

                         GAME GENIE CODE CREATORS CLUB

        (c) 1999, Game Genie Code Creators Club, All rights reserved. 
      This material may not be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, 
     transmitted, or published, in any form or by any means, electronic, 
     mechanical, photocopying or otherwise, without being fully creditted 
	     or without the prior written permission of the club.  E-mail to

Breath of Fire 2 is a trademark of Capcom Co., Ltd.
  ____  ___   ___     _______       ___  _____    _____ _____  ___   ____
 |   / |   \ |      /\   | |   |   /   \ |__      |       |   |   \ |
 |---\ |__ / |--   /__\  | |---|   \___/ |        |---    |   |___/ |---
 |___/ |   \ |___ /    \ | |   |                  |     __|__ |   \ |____
                                   |     |             
  ------                  ___      |     |       ------   ___          ___ 
 |         /\   |\    /| |     ____|_____|____  |        |    |\  | | |   
 |    --- /__\  | \  / | |--                    |    --- |--  | \ | | |---
 |_____| /    \ |  \/  | |___                   |_____|  |___ |  \| | |___
                       BREATH OF FIRE 2 GAME GENIE GUIDE         Version 1.1

Part 1  - Introduction
Part 2  - Why Some Codes Don't Work
Part 3  - Character Start-Up Codes
               - Character Codes
               - Weapons, Armor, and Items
               - Attributes
Part 4  - Battle Codes
               - Before Battle
               - During Battle
               - After Battle
Part 5  - Overworld Codes
Part 6  - Town Codes
Part 7  - Hunting Ground Codes
Part 8  - Misc. Codes
Part 9  - Item Change Codes


Welcome to the guide!

The Game Genie Code Creators Club creates original Game Genie codes for many
games. In this guide, you will find a collection of our codes for Breath of
Fire 2. We also have many other codes for many other games at our new web site, Stop by and see our collection!

Version History:

Version 1.0  First version of the FAQ.
Version 1.1  Updated the GGCCC information and corrected a few problems.

Distribution of this guide:

This guide may be uploaded to other web sites providing that the content is
not altered. We also ask that if you have time to please drop us an E-Mail at if you are using it on your site so that we can
send you out updates when we update the FAQ. For more information on our
guidelines for usage of our FAQs and codes, visit our web site at

This guide is best viewed in a 10 pt. Courier font.


Written by:

     What you are about to read is my PERSONAL OPINION and the information
that a Galoob Game Genie representative has given me.
     I have been recieving complaints from people about codes not working 
on their game.  Based on my expeience and other sources, I will explain 
why some codes don't work for your game.
     You see, Nintendo sued Galoob many years ago, to try to stop  
Galoob from creating their Game Genie.   Nintendo lost the lawsuit.
     Nintendo is actually changing the configuration in the game decks
they are selling.  One batch of decks lets you use your present codes.
The next batch of decks made and released are so configured that they will
not accept the old and proven Game Genie codes.  The codes you receive are 
correct (This came from an anonymous informant).
     Nintendo also changes the configuration of their games.  I made this  
observation after buying another Final Fantasy 3 game.  I have noticed 
that there are still codes that won't work for both of them.  Thas
led me to believe that Nintendo is creating different versions of the 
games they make.  They are doing this to either fix the bugs in their
games and to frustrate Galoob from finding more codes.


Created by:    LuKaS

     -When using these codes you must go through the part where you name Ryu
     and all that for the codes to work.

     -Important:  Try to use the codes that put the items in the Etc. slots.
     The reason for this is because when Ryu grows up (after you are defeated
     by Barubary) the items he is equipped with changes in all slots except
     the Etc. slots.  If you use the codes that put the items in the other 
     slots, use this GG code also: 3AB4-8703.  It will let you move the items 
     to different slots.

xx62-8D64    Replace xx with the following to start young Ryu with ________
             in his Wepn slot

xx62-8F64    Replace xx with the following to start young Ryu with ________
             in his Armr slot  
0062-8F04+   Replace xx with the following to start young Ryu with ________             
xx62-8FD4    in his Shld slot

xxD2-87D4+   Replace xx with the following to start young Ryu with ________
ECD2-8704    in his 2nd Etc. slot (Created by:

0062-8404    Replace xx with the following to start young Ryu with ________
xx62-84D4    in his Helm slot
xx62-8464    Replace xx with the following to start young Ryu with ________
FF62-84A4    in his 1st Etc. slot

00 - Collar         01 - WindBR         02 - Charm          03 - ShinyBR
04 - SkullBR        05 - LoveBR         06 - GutsBT         07 - WiseHoop
08 - LifeBR         09 - HolySF         0A - IronBR         0B - KramerBR
0C - D.Earing       0D - FastShoe       0E - *Blank*        0F - DmndBR

10 - SilverDR       11 - KingSD         12 - QuartrST       13 - IronKN
14 - RevetKN        15 - LongRP         16 - LongSD         17 - IvyWP
18 - TwinBW         19 - MagicRG        1A - BronzeST       1B - BusterSD
1C - CrossBW        1D - TreeST         1E - BurnKN         1F - HexadST

20 - MagmaAR        21 - EarthAR        22 - DragonAR       23 - LifeAR
24 - SilverAR       25 - BraveAR        26 - Bandana        27 - FrozenAR
28 - SacredSH       29 - WindRB         2A - CrmsnCL        2B - BlndedAR
2C - RainbwRB       2D - BreathAR       2E - NinjaML        2F - OceanRB

30 - Noe'sRB        31 - WhiteSH        32 - HolySH         33 - DragonSH
34 - JahAR          35 - FlameSH        36 - IceSH          37 - HeroAR
38 - GiantSH        39 - WisdomRB       3A - StarSH         3B - BlndedML
3C - BlndedSH       3D - MamothCL       3E - ElemntAR       3F - MotherRB

40 - Mckrl          41 - Tuna           42 - Tendon         43 - Beef
44 - G8Bait         45 - Minnow         46 - Unagi          47 - Srdine
48 - Chkn           49 - Bait           4A - Meat           4B - Snper
4C - PileWm         4D - Shrimp         4E - Liver          4F - Urchin

50 - NinjaDR        51 - StockRP        52 - GoblinSD       53 - EmpireSD
54 - WoodenDR       55 - FlameSD        56 - StarrSD        57 - MothDR
58 - DragonSD       59 - ShortRP        5A - KingOfDR       5B - DamageSD
5C - BreakSD        5D - WizardRG       5E - ElmoreSD       5F - FireRG

60 - DeathBW        61 - SnakeST        62 - BlastKN        63 - KaiserKN
64 - IceBW          65 - HeatST         66 - BirchST        67 - BusterBW
68 - MeowST         69 - WonderRP       6A - CloakKN        6B - ThndrST
6C - RiotST         6D - FireBW         6E - FinalKN        6F - AutoBW

70 - DeadSoup       71 - Biscuit        72 - IceChunk       73 - Tolen
74 - SprRib         75 - Octopus        76 - PanPizza       77 - Charcoal
78 - KmikzeBL       79 - P.Pourri       7A - Shaker         7B - GoldBar
7C - FireRock       7D - Roast          7E - HeroBT         7F - Egg

80 - HolyRB         81 - SuedeAR        82 - SilkGL         83 - BronzeSH
84 - *Blank*        85 - RangerCL       86 - SokletAR       87 - Bum'sCL
88 - RistBand       89 - LeotrdCL       8A - SteelAR        8B - MystryHT
8C - SaladBwl       8D - *Blank*        8E - IronSH         8F - *Blank*

90 - 100C           91 - 10000C         92 - ShortBW        93 - BronzeSD
94 - *Blank*        95 - OwlFruit       96 - Cake           97 - 1C
98 - Mirror         99 - 1000C          9A - BoyDR          9B - *Blank*
9C - *Blank*        9D - DreamBR        9E - FalseBW        9F - *Blank*

A0 - BronzeHT       A1 - KnightHT       A2 - WiseRB         A3 - IronML
A4 - CharmSH        A5 - CrmsnRB        A6 - RoyalHT        A7 - GuardSH
A8 - ChainML        A9 - GlassRG        AA - IronAR         AB - NationHT
AC - MoonMask       AD - Shorts         AE - QuickCL        AF - Backlaw

B0 - GradeDR        B1 - ChuckDR        B2 - ThornWP        B3 - WacWP
B4 - AmberRG        B5 - BananaDR       B6 - ShadowDR       B7 - ImortlRG
B8 - ThndrRP        B9 - NorthDR        BA - EmblemRP       BB - DemonDR
BC - PierceRP       BD - HushRG         BE - DoubleWP       BF - StormRG

C0 - CrsntSD        C1 - TigerSD        C2 - GlassDR        C3 - LopOffWP
C4 - NoTwinRP       C5 - SlicerDR       C6 - SoleSD         C7 - BrassST
C8 - WorthRG        C9 - HolyRP         CA - BrassSD        CB - HandKN
CC - FalseRG        CD - NatureWP       CE - Fork           CF - 9-TailWP

D0 - Van.Ext        D1 - MoonDrop       D2 - Stamina        D3 - LuckCndy
D4 - HelpBL         D5 - Antdt          D6 - WFruit         D7 - Extract
D8 - CureAl         D9 - LifePl         DA - WiseBL         DB - Vtmn
DC - TearDr         DD - *Blank*        DE - PwrFood        DF - Herb

E0 - DragonHT       E1 - SpiritRB       E2 - DemonSH        E3 - Napkin
E4 - SunMask        E5 - StoneAR        E6 - SlashGL        E7 - SilverHT
E8 - GoldAR         E9 - KingHT         EA - MightyAR       EB - ThndrGL
EC - ArmyGL         ED - MedusaSH       EE - Plate          EF - ShinyHT

F0 - F.Spice        F1 - Frizbee        F2 - DluxPole       F3 - CharmRod
F4 - GutsBL         F5 - Medicate       F6 - Gold           F7 - Cond.Up
F8 - TreePole       F9 - ShaveIce       FA - StickRod       FB - Smoke
FC - DivideBL       FD - Dinker         FE - Worm           FF - MisoSoup

Created by:    Micah Stuart (
EED2-8D04      Hero starts with Super Condition
EED2-8D64      Change the item equipped in the Hero's weapon slot when 
               starting a new game.

EED2-8DD4      Hero starts with 510 Vigor and 296 Agility

EED2-8DD4      Hero starts with 510 Vigor and 296 Agility

EED2-8D04      Hero starts with Super Condition

EED3-8464      Hero starts with 255 EXP

EED3-84A4      Hero starts 65280 EXP

D7DA-8FA4+     Hero starts with 999 HP

D7DA-84A4+     Hero starts with 999 AP


74DA-8F64      "START WITH 50 HP"
10DA-8F64      "Start WITH 100 HP"
B1DA-8F64      "Start WITH 150 HP"
ECDA-8F64      "Start WITH 250 HP"
E0DA-8F64      "START WITH 500 HP"
D4DA-8FA4 +
33DA-8F64      "START WITH 750 HP"

74DA-8464      "START WITH 50 AP"
10DA-8464      "START WITH 100 AP"
B1DA-8464      "START WITH 150 AP"
ECDA-8464      "START WITH 250 AP"
DFDA-84A4 +
E0DA-8464      "START WITH 500 AP"
D4DA-84A4 +            
33DA-8464      "START WITH 750 AP"





DDD3-8404      "START WITH 0 LUCK"


Created by:
6621-EFD7      Meet monsters from other land in Hero's home land.

EE29-E7D7      Meet Chorky (big, really big fly) in Hero's home land. Fight
               this fly for experience.

EE29-E4D7      Fight E. Sludge (weakest monster) anywhere on the field. Will
               not work in a dungeon or building.

3323-EFD7      Meet a group of Jacky (monster) anywhere.

3323-E4D7      Meet a group of Biruburu (monster) in Hero's home land.

EE28-E4D7      Monsters from other land appear in the land East of Hero's 


Created by:
EEC4-EDD8      999 damage to enemy.  Glitches but OK.

00B8-E7D6      No damage when get hit (Invinsible) by the enemy. Work against
               some (or all) Bosses. Now you can use the 999 damage to
               everybody code and feel safe.
NOTE:          The life meter get drained and back to full again but the HP 
               remained the same.

7728-E7D7      Use any of the three code. 
AA28-E7D7      No monster in battle screen. Choose RUN to exit.  Game freeze
EE2E-E4D7      if you choose FIGHT command.

E32E-EF07      Infinite attack to a group of monsters. Glitchy monsters but
               no problem.  Code below is better.

EE2E-EDA7      Either code will work.
EE2E-EF67      Infinite attack for your party to any monster and anywhere 
               (even dungeon and building).
NOTE:               The monster does not attack or counter attack your party. 
                    It's a free hit.
NOTE:               The infinite attack code will not protect you when your 
                    name is changed (by the game) to Baba. So, don't use 
                    this code or  your will lose.

EE20-5DD7      Everybody give one damage.

3320-E7D4      The party is invisible on screen. In battle: The party member 
               is invisible when get hit.

EE23-5DD7      When attack manually: If you do not choose the monster with 
               red life bar, your character will not attack any monster and 
               this lead to monster getting free hit.

EE23-54D7      Life meter length effect. No FX change.

00B8-E7D6      No damage when get hit (Invinsible) by the enemy.  Work 
               against some (or all) Bosses. Now you can use the 999 damage 
               to everybody code and feel safe.
NOTE:          The life meter get drained and back to full again but the 
               HP remained the same.

0060-EFD8      Enemy is invincible.

Created by:
               When you go into battle many things may occur like the game
               saying Defense, Special, or Critical Attack many times, then
               hitting an enemy over and over.  Sometimes you win the battle
               after only killing one enemy (If there are multiple enemies).


Created by:    Whrek(
EE20-5467 +
EE20-5407      To get Super stats for Sten.

EE27-5467 +
EE27-5407      To get Super stats for Bow.

EE20-54D7 +
EE24-54D7      To get Super stats for Rand.

EE27-5407 +
EE24-5467      To get Super stats for Jean.

EE27-5407 +
EE20-5467      to get Super stats for Nina and Bleu. Also gives 999 hp to 
               Hero, helps others too.

NOTE:          Once they go to L99, no further stats improvements are 

55E5-54D6      Monsters flash different color while dying.

EEEB-5DD6      Defeated monsters retreat continually across the screen 
               (wrapping). Turn off FX to exit battle.

Created by:
0DAD-7DD4      Raised to level 70 or above after battle.

??C4-EDD8      Change status after battle.  ?? = 11, 55, 5E, 77

EECE-EDD8      Effect in AP area.

??60-7DD1      Change color ? to everything.

E5A0-5FD4      Stay as level 1 after gaining level in battle.

55A0-54D4      Same as above but no experience show.  Done on level 1 

??A1-57D4      Gain HP after battle.  ?? = 11, 55, 77, 99, C?

5580-E7D7      After leave-battle effect.  Show a mess up (look like) battle 

5580-E4A7      After leave-battle effect 2.  Blinking screen.  Each blink can 
               bring out the Huntsvil and/or fishing spot.

Created by:    LrdRokoL(

DDAD-7DD4      Raised to level 99 or above after battle.
NOTE:          Does no bring everyone to their full potential.  
               EX:       RYU (Hero)
                         HP: 350+
                         AP: 130+

11AD-7DD4      Raises to level 20 or above after battle. 
               Can be used over and over until a certsin point.
               This will allow your Hero to develop slowly yet.. 
               better stats than the ones for level 99. Once it doesn't
               allow you to level up. Use the Level 99 Codes to finish
               it up.


Created by:
EE65-5F01      Walk thru field. Use other codes below to avoid meeting or
               getting killed by strong monster.
NOTE:          If you want the area to show on the map, you have to turn 
               this off and select any menu and walk around the area. If FX 
               is not off then the area you are on will not show on the 
               map. Anyway, you cann't see the map while the FX is on.

??2F-E767      No music on the field. ?? any number or letter will work.

AA65-5701      Perfect walk thru wall in town only.(Only work in the town 
               you begin). Cannot walk thru wall if in the room.

EE65-5F01      Perfect walk thru wall on world map.

EEC1-E7A2      Encounter enemy each step.  Ignore the HP and AP number in
               status screen.

3061-5DA1      After you walk out of town, the screen scroll aournd the 
               world map and back to you.  But only to find that Bow 
               (the dog) is by himself. Turn the GG off and go into menu 
               screen and out. When in battle both character do not exist. 
               Game freeze after enemy attack.

Created by:    Micah Stuart (email to
FB0C-7D64      Walk through water on the world map; walk through all land 
               except the parts where you can see the rocky type side; and 
               best of all, no enemies.
NOTE:          Does not allow you to talk to some people.  When this happens,
               leave the room/place, turn off your GG, and come back in.

Created by:
EECA-EFD2      On World Map, always fight in the Forest. However, you will 
               not actually be in the forest,as Spar's Natr magic doesn't 
               call trees or anything, but it is cool.  Also you can change 
               slots 1&2 to vary the vegetation. Try DF in place of EE. 


Created by:
AA65-5701      Walk thru building in Hero's home town. Still trying to find 
               the universal walk thru wall for every towns.  Found the 
               starter code that let you enter any building and cann't move 

00E0-8FA2      Talk to any sale clerk, bring up the bank menu.

Created by:    Micah Stuart (email to
01AD-5762      Walk into townspeople and your party will be warped to 
               different places.  But be careful, sometimes they get stuck.

A20B-77D4      Fight enemies in buildings such as houses, shops, and inns;
               but you won't be able to talk to the owners of some 
               establishments with FX on; also have the same effects as 

5581-7DDE      Change town people to different person.

Created by:    LuKaS X(
2A30-770F     "WALK THRU PERSON"
               You can walk through any person in any area.  You can also 
               walk through some other objects like treasure chests.  The
               only disadvantage is that you won't be able to talk to people
               or get treasure in that area.  To solve this problem, leave 
               the area and re-enter with the effects off.

               If you talk to somebody, they will probably say something that
               another character in the game says.

B4EC-7D6F      "STRANGE"
               If you talk to somebody or go into battle or a shop, 4 digits 
               (It looks like half of a GG code) will appear in the upper
               left hand corner.  When you do different things the numbers

Created by:
EE3A-EFD2      Switch lead character's graphic when entering or leaving a town 
               or battle. This includes several Shaman forms as well as all 
               the other guys and girls. Note: NEVER go into the Menu screen 
               or else it will black out.

EE3E-EFD2      Hero invisible in town-strange, disconnected scroll of people 
               on World Map.  Use R button for effect.


Created by:
DD20-5D07      In Huntvil: Food does not move and Bow's arrow does not move
               either but can still kill Food. Ignore everything else.

00C0-5DDA      Only one member can walk in the Huntvil.
                    Altered from Whrek's code BBCD-54AA

EEC1-54DA      When pick up prize after kill (food in Huntvil) the screen
               scroll sideway and back. Now you move the screen not the 
               character afterward.

3320-EFA2      Another WTW code for HUNTSVIL. This time the animal cann't 
               hide in the grass brushes.


Created by:
EE20-54D7      Three or more effects code.
Effect 1:      Everybody give 999 damage at random (most of the time). Not 
               include low HP monsters.
Effect 2:      Bow (the dog and/or other characters) will raise to level 99 
               after one battle. Have 255 for status.
Effect 3:      Items in shop will cost higher.
Tip 1:              Use this code with the infinite attack code ( EE2E-EDA7 
                    or EE2E-EF67 )in battle.
Tip 2:              In the Shop: Buy the highest price item you can afford 
                    and as many as you can before turning on the FX. After 
                    the FX is on you can sell the items and make profit. Get 
                    and keep full stocks of items, have 9,999,999 Z in the
                    bank and on yourself.

77C0-EFDA      Selecting Magic and Equip menu: When cancelled the menu still

00C0-EFDA      See Nina's face icons instead of that character when choose
               Magic, Equip, and Status menu.

33C?-E762      HP and MP number change. But no effect.

00AD-7DD4      Different music at the Title (blank) screen. Warping ??? 
               messed up character. Altered from Micah S. code A20B-77D4. 
               Good job on finding the When and Where monster encounter 
               codes with the walk thru.

AA83-7704      Erase saved games after selecting it.
0080-77D2      Erase all saved games after battle.

EEC0-EFD2      Hero's max HP= 968  But no effect.

EE63-EDD7      Yellow background screen (in window box ..ewtc.)

EE60-EFD3      Effect in the SWCH menu.

EE60-E70A      Warp?  Use any magic and select destination to warp to that 
               area.  Note:  Only warp to place that you have already been 

2160-EDA2      Enable you to unequip (almost infinite) and get different item
               every time.  Only able to unequip the "Etc." slot.

2562-E7A2      See 2 Bows by going into menu screen.  Turn GG off before you
               leave menu.  Now have 2 Bow as mapman.

55C3-EDD8      Use any item in battle & blank magic spot.

5562-EDD7      Darker background with light-up characters.

3383-7764      Background color changed in any Menu screen.

3E25-5DD7      Multiple effects. Altered from ( EE20-54D7 ).
                    Effect 1: 999 damages to everybody. Use with infinite 
                    attack code.
                    Effect 2: Everybody raise to level 99.
                    Effect 3: Items in shop cost even more (9,999,999 Z 
                    can't even buy 1 item).
Tip:           Buy items when FX is off and sell the items when FX is on to 
               make profit.

0060-87D2      Change status when equipping item.

E160-87D2      Jump to SWCH menu when trying to equip.

3E60-87D2      Equip any item with the scroll list.
               Note:  Must have at least 2 items for each slots for the 
               scroll list to appear.

??64-EDD2      Duplicate that item when equipping it.
0060-ED02      Same as above.

EE64-EDD2      Erase equipped item when trying to equip it.
0060-E402      Same as above.

EE6F-EDD2      Equipping the left "Etc." slot will equip that item in the
               weapon slot and right "Etc." slot in the Shield slot.

0060-EFA2      Raise Bow's attack when equipping Hero.  Not sure if raises 

55E0-E7AE      After cancelling from item menu, it goes into equip mode.

00E0-87D2      Repeat last payment no matter if you are at the item store,
               armor store or Inn.  Note:  Turn GG off when accepting or the 
               clerk do the finish (thing).

00E0-8702      Wierd text message.  (Slow)

Created by:
Enter the code
A3CD-5544 +
5665-54A1 +
0123-5E70 +
776D_C343 +

     What it does is make your guys stronger(more counter attacks,special
     attacks,lead off fights,etc...)but if you have it on when you enter a 
     town,it will make it invisible.  So, before you enter a town turn it 
     off.  If you forget and walk in with it on; go to the stat screen and 
     turn it off.  Then exit the stat screen.  The code only makes towns 

Created by:

               Fill in xx with anything.  Many things might happen like:
                    1)  Your character will appear on the title screen and 
                    you can walk around.
                    2)  Once you load a saved game you might be teleported to
                    a different area.
                    3)  While you are in the game some characters may replay
                    talking sequences from earlier events.
                    4)  The game might blackout (glitch).


CCCA-8762+     Get spells for the Hero just by going into the menu screen.  
57CB-8762      Look at your status screen and see that Ryu automatically got
               some new spells!  You will get the dragon spells and some
               others.  The higher your level/the more AP you have, the more
               you will get.  Also, if you go into battle with this code, 
               afterwards Ryu's spells will change.  Save the game to keep 
               what you got.
3AB4-8703+     Item code.  Before using the code, make sure the person you
6E6B-8F02      are going to use this with (it doesn't matter who) has 2 
               weapons - one equipped and one in the inventory.  To use this 
               code, go to the equip screen with the GG on and move down to 
               the left etc. slot (it should be empty) and equip the first 
               item (you will notice that it is the weapon).  Then unequip 
               (Ueq.) what you just put in that etc. slot.  Go to your items
               screen and see that you got a new item!  You can repeat this 
               process but you have to save and reset the game each time you
               get an item.  Although this takes longer than the other item 
               codes, it usually gives less "blank" items.
F78D-7FA2+     Get high stats.  Go into your equip screen and equip any item.
EE80-7F62      Your Off.,Def. and Vigor will go into the 500's!  Save the 
               game to keep the stats.  But, sometimes when you go into the 
               menu screen it may reset to normal.  If this happens, just use 
               the code again.

4BB4-8F62      Different color Shaman on menu screen.

Created by:
006C-E7D6      Grey cursor never goes away.

xx83-E7D6      Changes the letter before your level number (instead of saying 
               Lv99, it would say D99.)


Created by:

Changing Equip Item Code 1:

~Turn any item to be equip into different item equipped.
~Get duplicate item when un-equipping item in the "Etc." area.
? = Blank (with item that does not show)
* = Delete equipping item and equip nothing.

NOTE:  Item may not be equippable if does not equipped in their section.
Example:  Item changed in the "Etc." may not be equip in the Weapon,
Armor ...etc. area.
NOTE 2:  Item may not be usable with this change code.

Base Code:  ??60-EFD2

Replace the ?? with the following for that item.

00= Collar          01= WindBR          02= Charm           03= ShinyBR
04= SkullBR         05= LoveBR          06= GutsBT          07= *
08= LifeBR          09= HolySF          0A= IronBR          0B= KramerBR
0C= D.Earing        0D= FastShoe        0E= X?              0F= DmndBR

10= SilverDR        11= KingSD          12= QuartrST        13= IronKN
14= RevetKN         15= LongRP          16= LongSD          17= IvyWP
18= TwinBW          19= MagicRG         1A= BronzeST        1B= BusterSD
1C= CrossBW         1D= ?               1E= BurnKN          1F= HexadST

20= ?               21= MoonDrop        22= FastShoe        23= CrmsnCX!
24= MoonDrop        25= WiseRBX'        26= SilverX^        27= ?
28= FastShoe        29= Dinker          2A= *               2B= BraveAX1
2C= FastShoe        2D= Herb            2E= MoonDrop        2F= ?

30= SilverAR        31= FastShoe        32= Shrimp          33= ?
34= JahAR           35= X2              36= ?               37= ?
38= OceanRB         39= SilverX1        3A= BraveAX1        3B= Frizbee
3C= *               3D= ?               3E= ?               3F= FastShoe

40= Mckrl           41= Tuna            42= Tendon          43= Beef
44= G8Bait          45= Minnow          46= Unagi           47= Srdine
48= Chkn            49= Bait            4A= Meat            4B= Snper
4C= PileWm          4D= ?               4E= Liver           4F= Urchin

50= NinjaDR         51= StockRP         52= GoblinSD        53= EmpireSD
54= WoodenDR        55= FlameSD         56= StarrSD         57= MothDR
58= DragonSD        59= ShortRP         5A= KingOfDR        5B= DamageSD
5C= BreakSD         5D= ?               5E= ElmoreSD        5F= FireRG

60= HelpBLx3        61= *               62= Van.Ext         63= TwinBW
64= SlicerDR        65= *               66= *               67= Vtmn X,
68= Tuna X1         69= RoyalHT         6A= Plate           6B= *
6C= HeroBT          6D= Herb            6E= ?               6F= WiseHoop

70= DeadSoup        71= Biscuit         72= IceChunk        73= Tolen
74= SprRib          75= Octopus         76= PanPizza        77= Charcoal
78= KmikzeBL        79= P.Pourri        7A= Shaker          7B= GoldBar
7C= FireRock        7D= ?               7E= HeroBT          7F= Egg

80= WFruit          81= ?               82= ?               83= BronzeSH
84= Frizbee         85= ?               86= BraveAX1        87= Antdt
88= FastShoe        89= FastShoe        8A= ?               8B= HelpBL
8C= HelpBL          8D= *               8E= CrmsnCL         8F= ?
90= 100C            91= 10,000C         92= ShortBW         93= BronzeSD
94= ?               95= OwlFruit        96= Cake            97= 1C
98= Mirror          9A= BoyDR           9B= ?               9C= ?
9D= ?               9E= FalseBW         9F= ?  

A0= MoonDrop        A1= MoonMaX2        A2= FastShoe        A3= ?
A4= TendonX2        A5= ?               A6= FireBWX9        A7= Urchin
A8= ?               A9= SilverX'        AA= OceanRB         AB= Herb
AC= ?               AD= ?               AE= MoonDrop        AF= ?

B0= ?               B1= ?               B2= GutsBL          B3= ?
B4= MoonDrop        B5= BoyDR           B6= ?               B7= KingHT
B8= Gold            B9= NatureWP        BA= ?               BB= Van.Ext
BC= *               BD= ?               BE= ?               BF= *

C0= Vtmn            C1= CrmsnCL         C2= Shaker          C3= Herb
C4= WhiteSX6        C5= ?               C6= ?               C7= TwinBW
C8= ?               C9= ?               CA= ?               CB= ?
CC= ?               CD= *               CE= ?               CF= ?

D0= *               D1= *               D2= X1              D3= *
D4= *               D5= WorthRG         D6= X5              D7= *
D8= *               D9= WorthRG         DA= *               DB= ?
DC= Mckrl           DD= *Normal*        DE= *               DF= MothDR

E0= DreamBR         E1= ?               E2= ?               E3= X2
E4= RevetKN         E5= Shrimp          E6= *               E7= *
E8= Herb            E9= ?               EA= F.Spice         EB= X2
EC= *               ED= ?               EE= *               EF= Frizbee

F0= *               F1= *               F2= *               F3= *
F4= *               F5= Random          F6= *               F7= *
F8= *               F9= *               FA= *               FB= *
FC= *               FD= AutoBWX2        FE= *               FF= *

Changing Equip Item Code 2:

~Turn any item to be equip into different item equipped.
~Get duplicate item when un-equipping item in the "Etc." area.

NOTE:  Item may not be equippable if does not equipped in their section.
Example:  Item changed in the "Etc." may not be equip in the Weapon,
Armor ...etc. area.
NOTE 2:  Item may not be usable with this change code.
NOTE 3:  Different item may change into other item not the same one like the
other code.
NOTE 4:  Code 2160-EDA2 enable you to unequip different item in the "Etc."

Base Code:  ??60-EDA2  (All possible items are found.)

Replace the ?? with the following for that item.

00= Plate           04= SunMask         07= CharmRod        09= CharmRod
10= ElmoreSD        21= NinjaD          29= Herb            40= FastShoe
46= Shorts X7       4B= Antdt           50= IronSH          57= Worm
59= Worm X4         5C= Dinker          60= NatureWP        65= DragonHT
7B= Van.Ext         7C= DemonSH         82= GoldBar         84= Dinker
87= Van.Ext         88= WFruit X8       8A= WFruit          8C= Roast X8
90= HeroBT          94= Tendon          97= Worm            99= Worm X8
A1= Herb            A5= Frizbee         A6= Van.Ext         A9= PwrFood
C3= Shrimp X8       C8= Herb X10        CB= WoodenDR        CC= Wooden X1
CE= WFruit X2       D5= Roast X2        D8= LifeP1          DB= Shrimp X1
DC= Herb X5         DD= *Normal*        F0= BlindeSH        F6= WiseBL
FC= Mamoth X1


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End of FAQ.