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At YouTube's annual Brandcast event, the king of online video touted its reach and new celebrity-fueled projects as reasons why advertisers should invest their dollars with the web instead of television. According to CEO Susan Wojcicki, YouTube now has 1.8 billion monthly logged-in viewers. Considering that number doesn't take into account viewers who simply go to YouTube to watch videos without logging in, it means YouTube's reach continues to grow despite recent controversies surrounding its creators and how the site treats potentially offensive content.
Wojcicki didn't go into detail about any of YouTube's recent content issues, but she did highlight the importance of facing the challenges that come with such a vast, open platform. "It’s incredibly important to me and to everyone at YouTube that we grow responsibly," Wojcicki said. "There isn’t a playbook for how open platforms operate at our scale. But the way I think about it, is it’s critical that we are on the right side of history."
Wojcicki announced that YouTube aims to have more than 10,000 human moderators looking at "violative" content on the platform. In recent months, YouTube has added more humans to its moderation team, hoping to supplement the machine learning technology it uses to moderate the content on its site. These changes came as YouTube placed new restrictions on creators that are allowed to monetize content through YouTube's Partner Program, and as the company added new details to its content policies in order to flesh out the definitions of what it considers offensive and inappropriate content.

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