Developer SciresM has released hactool, a command line utility designed to decrypt and extract common file formats from the Nintendo Switch platform. Version 1.0.1 was released earlier today and fixes a few bugs.

Supported file formats include NCA, XCI, HFS0, PFS0, RomFS, NPDM, Package1 (PK11), Package2 (PK21), INI1, and KIP1.

In order to run the tool in most use cases, you’ll need to provide decryption keys that are not provided directly with hactool. You’ll need a hacked Nintendo Switch running Pegaswitch in other to dump the necessary keys. Alternatively, a few keys have leaked on the Switch scene recently and might be used for that purpose.

SciresM explains what keys can be used here. This also vaguely hints at how the keys can be retrieved.

