So I just got an email from the NG:dev team seems my pre-order of Neo XYX is on its way next month. Just thought I would sahre as 2014 is gonna be a big year for the Dreamcast. Games releasing this year are as follows.

Ghost Blade
Leona's Trick Adventure
Pier Solar ED (yes it is ED since it will be 480p the HD version are for PC and 360/PS3)

So as you can see this is what we know for sure is coming but now on to the reason you clicked this link.

Dear customers,

NEO XYX for Dreamcast is gone gold and is going into factory pressing.

The game will be released in mid February 2014 for Dreamcast.
We will announce a more specific release date later in February as soon as we have confirmation from the factory.

The official game site is open now:

NEO XYX for NEO*GEO™ and Sega Dreamcast™

Including the new official Dreamcast release trailer:

NEO XYX for NEO*GEO™ and Sega Dream

The Dreamcast version got 4 screen modes to choose from.

Screen modes (300 Multiple Choices

ARCADE - true tate/vertical
HORIZONTAL - rotated controls and HUD
*NEW * VERTICAL - vertical in portrait view
*NEW * VERTICAL.S - vertical in portrait view with scaling

Best regards,
Happy gaming DC fans!! Also guys please respect the devs and buy this so DC development continues!!