So after dropping the "gauntlet legends" bomb in a previous thread, it got me thinking...

That game supports multiplayer function via the vmu (meaning, if your character is saved on one, and your friends is on another, you just carry your vmu with you to whom'ever has the dreamcast).

I theorize that if you can split the male end of a vmu to two connections, one for your dc, and one for a long-range connection setup, and also have a friend that does the same, and somehow setup hardware that can accept and transmit vmu data, then it would be possible to play with their character data.

Now that my mind is awake, I see now that this is a dumb though, as it's not including controller data, nor the fact that its two separate dreamcasts, playing two separate games...

Reconsidering the initial idea, instead of sending "vmu signals" from a multi-connectable vmu, it would be possible to send controller signals from a multi-corded controller, which would then include both character data and player input.

That would require a mere hardware transmittion/recieving device, no software. And in my head it doesnt seem like it would be very hard to work that together via a telephone line.

That leaves the 2-games-at-once issues...

Any ideas? Is this a really dumb dream that I should just forget :lol: ?